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Grower/Importer& Roaster.

Truly Hand Craft Coffee

Our dream started to become a reality on February/2012 when the first batch of our coffee made it to Calgary. This story goes back to 1988 when my in laws bought that piece of land and started to turn it around with their own hands. A rich volcanic soil provides for some of the best specialty coffees of Colombia.  It is deep in the Nariño department, in the subdivision of Veracruz, where a micro climate is conceived, at an altitude of 2,100 meters still able to receive warm winds from the Patia Valley. Here, the traditional selective harvesting and sun dry processes carried out in "artisan" cultivation yields the ideal conditions for a cup of outstanding quality. Only with the strength of the artisans carrying  these volumes on their back, can this quality product make its way to your cup. While in full compliance with environmental and social sustainability standards, Alta Montaña Coffee as a family owned business vows to provide a product fruit of a fighting community that protects its land while keeping the balance with Mother Nature. 



The practices that we follow and the standards that we keep were given to us by these institutions which every year are reviewed in detail and thanks to the hard working people involved in the process, this certification has been renewed year over year with very high scores and only with your continuous support we will be able  to keep this chain together and working properly.

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Why Direct trade

Means that you are buying directly from the grower, cutting out both the traditional middle man buyers and sellers and also the organizations that control certifications.  The only organization that we belong to and believe in is the "National Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia" which with ninety years of existence has shown to be the right one for us.

This type of business has allowed us to share our experiences, needs and culture with you, the end customer, and also guarantees  traceability, quality, customer service and the farm will continue to be the sustainable, environmentally friendly place for peasants to work.  

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